Nymeria Selarys

Female Elezen | Wildwood | Crystal: Coeurl
Minor Ishgardian Nobility

The first-born of Ishgardian nobility, Nymeria was always set to become the Countess of her House. Sworn to House Fortemps, House Selarys was formed over a century ago, founded by merchants and traders. Commerce boomed, and for a generation, it was the highest ranked of the minor Houses of Ishgard.Unfortunately, a dark stain would soon mar the Selarys name, which would not easily be removed.
Some generations ago, A man by the name of Ghyslain de Selarys--hungry for more money and more power--sold inside information from the Ishgardian Orthodox Church to the Dravanians, during a time of relative peace of the millennia-long Dragonsong War. The news nearly tore the House apart--some few in favour of Ghyslain's decision, and others calling for his execution.
The House nearly fell to pieces as it sank near so far as to lose the title of nobility.
This disgrace made it hard for a young Nymeria to get by--it was terribly frustrating to make a name for herself, when all anyone ever saw from her was a scorned ancestor, who sold out their homeland for nothing more than a paltry sum of coin.
Her younger sister, Posy, was married off to another young noble of the minor Houses, in their father’s attempt to raise their stature. As the first-born, Nymeria had been betrothed once, herself, but her fiancé was a casualty of the Dragonsong War before they had ever met.
Between the constant warring and political one-upmanship, Nymeria thought it best to leave her homeland to finally carve a place for herself in the world.
She always held more aether within herself than others of her age and stature, and so chose to align herself with the Thaumaturges of Ul'dah, attuning to not Halone, the Fury, as her father, and his father before him, but rather Rhalgr, the Destroyer. It was under he, that Nymeria found the strength within herself to harness the power of destruction and reclaim her family’s honor.During her studies at the Thaumaturgy Guild, Nymeria met another adventurer, by the name of Bringo Dyle, and fell in love with him immediately. The Hyur was a man of few words, but communicated through his actions, which Nymeria could very much appreciate. They studied together, adventured together, and shared everything together as well. The two became fast friends, and eventually their friendship would blossom into something more; the pair tied the knot at the Sanctum of the Twelve on September 21st, nine days after their real-life marriage.Nymeria's trials and tribulations rewarded her; she became the chosen of not only Shattoto, the founder of Black Magic, but Hydaelyn as well--and Nymeria de Selarys became the Warrior of Light. It was this title that she realized she could help her House reclaim its lost honor, and she would do everything in her power to restore her family's name.As was the House Selarys motto:
Shadows Pass, Light Remains.

Age/Orientation:30, BisexualDeity:Rhalgr, the Destroyer
Homeland:IshgardCalling:Black Mage
Favourite Food: Ginger CookieChocobo Companion:Sylas
Relationship Status: Married to Bringo DyleFavourite Colour:Turquoise
Likes:Swimming, Dancing, Making New Friends, Sweets, Zenos yae GalvusDislikes:Changes To Daily Routine, Wet Socks, Dishonorable People, Zenos Yae Galvus